First 15 days of Blogging

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Thanks to all you, who visited and still visiting one of my blogs constantly.
I am delighted to share first 15 days visits from all over the world. There were more then 700 page loads and good number of subscribers.

It was my experiment with blogging and your encouragement was enormous. Advises from my close friends and associates motivated me to start inspire and inginite , to inspire average student to do great in their lifes.

Please check the results of last 15 days over my personal and professional blogs.

Thanks to everyone again for giving me a good start. Presently I am helping students to get updated with M.Tech admissions in NITs and will post some articles on admission analysis too. I strongly believe in a year span everything over there will change. I have submitted my first sitemap or index with google too and just waiting for it index it.

There is a huge work to be done for this. Right from designing to content and making it useful for visitors. I started this to help students with insights from IITian about admission, all other sites giving admission information are totally commercial and dont have any idea about admission process except admission notification. Moreover, that notification is a copy and paste from the institute web site.

I wish all you could join me for this efforts to help students with good insights into admissions.

Lets grow together and help others to grow.